Tuesday 18 November 2014

Steps on How to Add Tabs at the Top of Blogger

Blogger enables you to customize your blog through a wide variety of gadgets to help expand your content. Among these features, the Labels gadget allows you to create categories for efficient navigation purposes. Alternatively, you may use the Pages feature, which essentially enables Blogger to organize your content within tabs. Tabs are generally useful to separate certain information from blog posts, such as the creation of an "About Us" page.
Step 1
Navigate to Blogger.com and sign in to your account, which subsequently displays the Blogger Dashboard.
Step 2
Click the blue "New Post" link found under the blog title you wish to add tabs to.
Step 3
Click the "Edit Pages" link found toward the top portion of the screen.
Step 4
Click "New Page" to compose a new stand-alone post. Insert a title into its respective field, followed by any desired content into the body.
Step 5
Click "Publish Page" to continue. Select to display the new post as a tab by clicking the "Blog Tabs" radio button.
Step 6
Click "Save and Publish" to effectively apply the new page to your blog.

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